Sales Representative and Manager Dashboards

Sales Manager
Sales Dashboards
With Iconixx Sales dashboards, a Sales VP can see which regions and product categories are yielding a healthy return for commission dollars spent. A sales manager has a view of current quota attainment levels for each rep and top clients for her region. And reps instantly see where they stand on quota and commissions. Many charts allow drill-down for further analysis: a Sales VP can drill down into individual regions or districts and a sales manager can look at details for an individual rep.
Sales VP Dashboard
Sales executives are accountable to the CEO and CFO for profitability as well as revenue growth. The Iconixx Sales VP Dashboard helps pinpoint issues in both areas.

Quota Attainment by Manager
View MTD or QTD performance of each sales team. Drill-in to a specific team.
Top Product Categories
Compares net value and sales for each product category in a selected period.
Top Regions
Compares net value (gross profit less variable compensation) and sales for each region.
Top Performers by Net Value
See which reps are bringing in the most profitable business.

Sales Manager Dashboard
Sales managers see where sales are happening, monitor how the team is progressing towards goal, and spot anomalies.
- Team Quota Attainment:
Speedometer-style gauge shows red-yellow-green for period-to-date performance. - Monthly Commission Earned:
Stacked bar chart shows manager’s compensation by component for each month.
- Quota Attainment by Rep:
Scan MTD or QTD performance of each sales rep. Drill-in to specific sales for rep. - Top Products:
Net value and sales for top product categories for sales team in a selected period.
Sales Rep Dashboard
Quota attainment and compensation are front and center.

Rep Quota Attainment
Speedometer-style gauge shows red-yellow-green for period-to-date performance.
Monthly Quota Attainment
Actual vs quota YD by month.
Monthly Commission Earned
Stacked bar chart shows rep compensation by component for each month.
Top Customers
Net value and sales for rep’s top customers in a selected period.

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