Iconixx Manages Your Company's Workflow from Assignment to Review and Approval
Why Automate Your Workflow Process?
Salary and compensation processes extend beyond one department. Managing workflow between field representatives, HR, Management, Sales Operations, Finance and Executives is crucial. In an automated workflow environment, communications between business units are improved.

Components of Workflow

Workflow Roles
The different roles involved in the workflow (most common are drafter/issuer, approver, and finalizer).

Workflow Subjects
The compensation area that is being validated (eg. Payment Approval, Bonus Approval, Goal Setting, Transaction Approval).

Proxy Assignments
A way to assign users who are not part of the normal workflow path but are allowed to act on behalf of users that are part of the normal workflow path.
- Direct Proxy:
Direct Proxy Assignment is specifying a specific individual the access to proxy for another individual. An example would be Bob is out on vacation next week so we allow Sue to proxy and handily any incoming requests while he is out. - Hierarchical Proxy:
Hierarchy proxy is specifying a person who is able to proxy for an entire hierarchy branch. An example of this is an HR Proxy who can handle requests for anyone in the Accounting Department.

Approval Paths
Which users the worksheet should flow to from draft to finalize.

Integrated Workflow Allows for
Real-Time Alerts and Data Transparency
Online automated workflow allows real-time access, visibility to workflow activities and processing.
Managing workflow online allows integration processes with overall auditing and reporting. This allows Sarbanes-Oxley compliance to be easily manageable.
Users can easily setup and maintain custom approval hierarchies, groups, email notifications, status, escalation, file attachments, and other custom functions.
Enhanced Buy-In from Stakeholders
Companies can set rules and parameters for multiple performance and reward structures, as well as establish the timelines for the merit and payout periods.
Subject Types
Users can apply stock features “out-of-the-box” or create custom features for managing worksheets, document approvals and HR actions.
Common Workflow Scenarios
Dispute Resolution/Inquiry
Payees may initiate inquiries or disputes regarding the sales they get credit for, or the payments they receive, based on their dashboards, reports or their paycheck.
Payroll Approval
This workflow takes the generated payroll file and incorporates it into a worksheet that is attached to a workflow. The workflow can then be initiated automatically or by the comp admin for any designated request path, usually sales management, to collect the necessary approvals and comments before being submitted to a payroll provider.
Set Objectives
This workflow allows payees and managers to set, comment upon and adjust objectives for MBO and KPI processes.
Manage MBO's
This workflow collects MBO or KPI information and/or comments to be used in calculating bonuses against a plan. Through this workflow, bonuses can be adjusted, approved, and commented up and/or balanced against a budget or allocation before being paid.
Record Achievements
This workflow provides a process and a database for the individual and team achievements to be recorded for both Bonus and/or Merit processes within organizations.
Compensation Plan Acceptance
This workflow facilitates distribution and acceptance by payees of the Comp Plan and/or any Comp Plan changes so that management has record that the payee has read and acknowledged the new Compensation Plan or Plan change.
Credit Adjustments
This workflow allows managers or comp administrators to evaluate and adjust credits that do not meet certain defined requirements or business rules, or to add credits that for any reason the system has not generated such as one-off splits or sales outside of a defined territory (that may not meet quota crediting requirements)
Transaction Approvals
This workflow allows managers or comp administrators to easily deal with exceptions by evaluating and approving transactions that are unusual, one-off or do not meet the standard business ruled defined in the ICM system. Examples might be splits where both payees get 100% credit, reassignment of a transaction outside its normally defined territory or to a different payee, or above or below defined thresholds.
Payment/Bonus Approvals
This workflow allows managers or comp administrators to easily deal with payment or Bonus exceptions by evaluating and approving Bonuses or payments that are unusual, one-off or do not meet the standard business ruled defined in the ICM system. Examples might be splits where both payees get 100% payment, reassignment of a payment to a different payee outside their normally defined territory, or above or below defined thresholds.