4 Steps to Finish Off 4Q2020
“Begin with the end in mind.” Steven Covey
STEP 1 – Prepare for the first day of 2021. What do you want your financials to reflect? How many leads do you want in your pipeline, how much traffic does your website need to support conversions?
STEP 2 – Calendar it out. Q4 is packed with holiday activity. Determine how much time you have to focus on your business goals.
STEP 3 – Set S-M-A-R-T goals.
Specific – Be clear about what you need to accomplish.
Measure or quantify results.
Actionable steps lead directly to progress against goals.
Realistic change will get the job done. Set expectations with reasonable attainment.
Time bound action items should have deadlines that align with your strategy.
STEP 4 – Market like a Ninja
You’ve heard of the 80:20 rule (Pareto principle). Adjust your efforts for MAXIMUM return in the 4th Quarter.
- Spend your energy on campaigns that target 20% of customers that generate 80% of your profits
- Select 20% of products that speak well to those customers
- Increase your marketing budget 20% to capture attention when others are holiday socializing or accepting it’s too late to make a difference. NOT YOU!
Set Up 1Q2021: Just look what you’ve already done!
You have created a remote workforce that is effective and energized.
You have kept sales flowing and the funnel active during uncertain times.
You have proactively handled tough conversations with both customers and employees.
“Tough times never last, but tough people do”, Dr. Robert Schuller. Let’s end 2020 with a 4th quarter that counts. With a solid plan, you can persevere to lead your business into 2021 ready and able for success.
What others have to say about finishing strong.
How You Can Finish 2020 Strong – And Way Better, Forbes 9/29/2020